Ahhh the joy of Christmas in retail, now I remember why I hate Christmas. It should be renamed Retailfest and it's about time we all admitted that the only thing really being celebrated here is rampant consumerism. I know everyone goes on about what a wonderful day of family togetherness it is but is it really? Honestly? So far most of the shoppers I have seen looked resigned and exhausted more than joyful as they struggle through the aisles trying to get everything they're expected to have for a Christmas feast and keep to some sort of budget, the kids tired and demanding , mothers saying "no" for the hundredth time to something they can't afford. And then there's the workers that keeping this show going, I spent the day with people so exhausted that they can barely move, they're just looking forward to one day off. I spoke to a man that's on his 7th day straight, he's working until midnight tomorrow night, Christmas eve, and will be back at work early boxing day morning. He's missing his 4 year old, he won't get to spend Christmas eve with his child, will spend Christmas day exhausted and for what? He has decided it's not worth it, his resignation will be handed in tomorrow morning. Another in so much pain she could barely move, she has to go home and prepare for the Christmas festivities but she's lucky, she has boxing day off. The mention of Christmas brings the response "fucking bloody Christmas!". Even the store Santas looked weary this year. Seriously isn't it time we stopped buying in to the retail propaganda, just stop. And admit that it really isn't fun, it's stressful, exhausting and expensive and we're over it. Oh I forgot the ones that have to work Christmas day...Noise is working Christmas eve, Christmas day and boxing day just so people can have their Pavlovas. Yep family time, although we're over Christmas, we've decided it's meaningless so we'll do something together when the insanity dies down and we can have fun together without it being mandatory.
Happy fucking bloody Christmas to all!
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